Pharmaceutical businesses now upgrade and use modern technological equipment . And the lifetime of conventional machinery Oral Solid Dosage Mixing was becoming disruptive. The crucial equipment that is frequently employed in the pharmaceutical industry for solid doses is the continuous synthesis of oral solid dosage by mixing technology. Continuous mixing is the process of continually mixing the material, which results in a continuous stream of mixed product coming out of the mixer.
The main reason we choose continuous manufacturing mixing technology is that it does away with the issues brought on by batch cycles and generates a constant output throughout the day. For the modern era of productive solid dose pharmaceutical manufacture, it is perfect. Depending entirely on the job and kind of components, Gericke’s Continuous Mixer gives the best radial and axial combination. The duration and intensity of the stay are flexible. Additionally, the particle size is deduced.

Oral Solid Dosage Mixing
- Technology for continuous mixing has a high degree of dependability.
- It has a very good design for the things that flow poorly.
- A continuous mixing system requires very little room because of its extremely compact construction.
- Integrating it into the current system is simple.
- The mixer is simple to modify to different goods, recipes, and capacities.
- Mixing tool and housing are removable for quick and hygienic cleaning.
Why we choose Gericke for Continuous manufacturing of oral solid dosage?
- Gericke has confidence in the knowledge and abilities of their renowned staff.
- Gericke produces products of exceptional quality and is constantly striving to create something novel.
- For growth and expansion, the organisation built a solid development philosophy.
- Gericke adheres to strict moral principles.
- Equipment and systems for processing powder are designed and produced by Gericke.