COVID 19 Pandemic, Possible Vaccine and What the Future Holds for Us?

The COVID 19 Pandemic and Possible Vaccine the entire world and the world awaits a vaccine to get rid of the novel corona virus; however, truth to be told, is vaccine development alone is enough to vanquish the pandemic and enable life to return to normal? The answer is NO! There are several other questions and concerns looming large. And what those are? Let’s dive right in-

How Effective the Vaccine Needs to Be?

First things first! The entire world is pinning its hopes on COVID 19 vaccine, but a food for thought is effectiveness of the vaccine. According to a study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, July this year, it was found that the vaccine’s effectiveness has to be 70 percent or even 80 percent before Americans can safely stop their reliance on social distancing. Going by comparisons, the measles vaccine demonstrates the effectiveness of about 95 to 98 percent while flu vaccine is about 20 to 60 percent effective. Social distancing may be necessary even after the vaccine is discovered.

Some vaccines are in the early stage trials and it will be very optimistic to expect them by the end of twenty-twenty or early 21.

Scaling-up the Manufacturing is Equally Important

Let’s admit it! Finding a vaccine is just half battle won. In the middle of the shortage of testing swabs and protective gear, the medical experts and suppliers across the globe are also concerned with the extra-ordinary demand of the manufacturing of syringes and vials. Speaking of The States alone, about 300 million people are estimated to be inoculated which clearly indicates that as many vials and syringes or even double that amount will be needed. Additionally, filling & packaging equipment for vial ad syringes also needed.

Health experts across the globe are concerned if vials and syringes or packaging equipment will become a constraint after a vaccine is discovered. Will there be enough equipment available to pack billions of vaccine doses? The demand is certain to spike as companies race to develop COVID 19 vaccine. India alone will need about 1.3 billion doses and the numbers may spike up even further, if we take booster doses into account.

India has been the manufacturing hub of vaccines and the entire world is pinning its hopes on it to meet the extra-ordinary demand. Medical suppliers will need to increase their manufacturing shifts by a significant margin and collaborate well with the foreign trade authorities to speed up shipments and shorten lead times.

Majority of Indian companies have already hinted at spiking up their manufacturing capacity. It looks like they are in prepared mode to achieve this difficult goal. It is undoubtedly a herculean task; however, this also translates into an opportunity for vaccine makers and their alliances.

Vial Packaging Needs Will See a Significant Spike

There is no doubt that not just vial manufacturing, but vial packaging needs will also see a significant upsurge in the coming months. India has the needed potential, skilled labor and contemporary manufacturing infrastructure to make it happen. It is also well-connected to the global distribution network which is capable enough to attract large investments.