There are several options to think about whether you’re looking to purchase a food processor or a high shear mixer for a lab. You have a choice of batch high shear, rotor-stator, or ultrasonic mixers.
What Advantages Do Ultrasonic High Shear Mixer Offer?
Ultrasonic high shear mixers are used in a variety of industries to reduce particle size and enhance emulsification. Particles are reduced to micron- or Nano-sized droplets using ultrasonic high shear mixers. The creation of high-quality emulsions depends on this procedure. The (phyto-) chemical and pharmaceutical sectors both utilize these mixers.
A mechanical tool called a high shear mixer uses high shear forces to stir a liquid. It stirs a solution using a stator or rotor. The mixture is dispersed evenly throughout the batch thanks to the high shear pressures produced by these mixers. They are perfect for making granular products like emulsions. Additionally, they are utilized in the creation of detergents and ointments.
Pharmaceutical manufacturers create medications, dietary supplements, and treatments in high shear mixers. They are also employed in the food business to create emulsions and granular goods. Inline flow processes can also make use of these mixers.
The mechanical operation of ultrasonic high shear mixers is identical to that of industrial mixing devices. Benchtop and industrial versions are both offered. Additionally, they come in a variety of variants that may be customized based on the energy input, sample volume, and rotor speed.
Rotor-stator Mixer: What are they?
Various high-shear mixer types are currently on the market. While some mixers employ moving rotors, others use ultrasonic pressure waves. For thorough mixing, some mixers combine the two technologies. The speed and throughput can be increased thanks to these technologies.
Pharmaceutical inks, antiseptics, tablet coatings, and vaccinations are just a few of the many products that high-shear mixers are utilized for. Additionally, they are employed to spread fine grain creams.
A revolving impeller is used in the rotor-stator mixer to combine particles and liquids. The speed of the tip can range from 3.2 to 8.0 meters per second. The rotor/stator assembly can be fitted either as a stationary assembly or as an inline unit. Additionally, it could have extra agitators to boost bulk flow.
Emulsification can also be accomplished using high-shear mixing. This is accomplished by applying a high-shear centrifugal force to isolated oleosomes. High throughput rates can be produced by ultra-high shear mixers, which can take the place of a colloid mill. They also cost less up front. Additionally, they are significantly simpler to maintain and clean. They can be utilized to make various dispersions as well as nutritious compositions.
Why are Batch High Shear Mixer Needed?
High shear mixers are capable of carrying out a variety of mixing tasks, depending on the application. For instance, they can spread granulating fluid or dry powdered particles. Chemical stabilization in food can also be aided by a high shear mixer. This procedure can be used to enhance food product shelf life and save operational expenses.
Liquids are accelerated tangentially through the rotor/stator assembly in high shear mixers. As a result, the fluid moves in the direction of the shear gap. A turbulent zone between two fluids is known as the shear gap. Intense hydraulic shear is produced by the material being propelled through the shear gap.
The liquid droplets are broken down during this process before they may naturally split. This is crucial for emulsions, which are mixtures of two or more liquids. In comparison to other liquids, emulsions often have a higher viscosity.
High-shear batch mixers are frequently held over a vessel. Additionally, they can be fixedly attached on a mixer tank. A single mixing head or a multi-head configuration can be employed, depending on the application.
Customized attachments like a heating phase tank without a water phase are examples of special installations. A control panel might also be a part of a unique installation. A unique exhibit can be produced or built in a lab.
The conclusion
Mixtures that are viscous or viscous-viscous can be processed using high shear mixers. These are substances that don’t mix well. Before they may naturally separate, the mixture must be broken down by a high shear mixer. The size of the particles is also decreased using this kind of mixer.